National Tree Day : SSSIOA participation

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National Tree Day is an event that the SSSIO in Australia has supported for many years. This year’s event was no exception with all regions of the organisation participating in community and private plantings. In total, nearly 4000 trees, shrubs and grasses were planted by over 100 members of the organisation aged from 1.5 – 82 years.


Proactive environmental awareness is a matter close to the heart of the SSSIO. It’s founder, Sri Sathya Sai Baba, always stressed the importance of looking after our environment and ameliorating areas subjected to degradation. A healthy natural environment has numerous important benefits such as: providing aesthetic living and recreational areas; climate amelioration both local and worldwide by creating temperature controls in urban areas as well as addressing climate warming; local wildlife protection and support; and spiritual benefits in providing areas of connection and contemplation  


So important is our environment considered, that at present, the SSSIO worldwide organisation is engaged in a drive to plant 1 million trees in the different countries it has a presence in, to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the birth of its founder. 


National Tree Day was a perfect opportunity to add to the plantings already taking place in Australia with groups from the different states supporting local government and Planet Ark in various enhancement and rehabilitation projects across the country during the month of July. 


The weather conditions covered a wide range of variation during the events, but the enthusiasm was unchecked by all those participating. From the very young to the young at heart but maybe a little older, all enjoyed the experience, whether rugged up and sporting rain wear, or set for warmer sunny conditions. The camaraderie and getting the hands dirty is always a welcome part of any activity such as this. At its conclusion another reward is reflection on what the transformation will achieve in the years ahead and a feeling of satisfaction on a job well done.