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  • NSW Region : Vibhuti Cup 2024
    On the 16th of June, the Vibhuti Cup sports event was held by NSW Region of the SSSIO in Sydney from 11 am to 4 pm. The games have now found their place in our NSW Region’s yearly calendar due to great interest from members. [more]
  • SSSC Melbourne 40th Anniversary Celebrations
    A group of devotees visited Prasanthi Nilayam in 1982 and Swami Blessed them with interviews. They were also instructed to start a spiritual group in Melbourne. The Sri Sathya Sai Centre of Melbourne was thus founded on 30 March 1983. Since then, the Centre has welcomed thousands of devotees from Australia and across the globe and organised several worthwhile service activities.  [more]
  • National Tree Day : SSSIOA participation
    National Tree Day is an event that the SSSIO in Australia has supported for many years. This year’s event was no exception with all regions of the organisation participating in community and private plantings. In total, nearly 4000 trees, shrubs and grasses were planted by over 100 members of the organisation aged from 1.5 – 82 years. [more]
  • Sydney Winter Drive for the Homeless
    On the 4th of August, members of the SSSIO NSW Region came together in collaboration to pack and deliver useful materials and warm food to members of the community who are living it tough on the streets of the Sydney CBD. [more]