Sydney Food Drive for the Homeless

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On the sunny evening of the 3rd of November, members of the Wentworthville Sai Centre including SSE children, young adults and adults, in collaboration with the NSW Region team, cooked and delivered 30 warm food packs, 60 water bottles and 30 breakfast drinks to members of the community who are living it tough on the streets of the Sydney CBD.


Do not cast all responsibility on a committee, or a group of enthusiasts; join them wholeheartedly and offer to share the burden. I want everyone to join in this Narayana Seva and that it should be done, not once a month as now, but even at more frequent Intervals.

28 January 1975 Sri Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol 13 (1975 – 77)


The next NSW food drive will be held in December. If you would like to be part of this service initiative, please contact for more information.