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Ladies Day Offering

A special offering of a sadhana was completed over the months leading up to Ladies Day by members of the Ladies Program around Australia. This comprised of regular reading of the 128 chapters of Tapovanam, a book dedicated to the life of Sathya Sai Baba. The experiences of the sadhana were inspiration and connection, both with Sai and the sharing sisters.

Sydney Food Drive for the Homeless

On the sunny evening of the 3rd of November, members of the Wentworthville Sai Centre including SSE children, young adults and adults, in collaboration with the NSW Region team, cooked and delivered 30 warm food packs, 60 water bottles and 30 breakfast drinks to members of the community who are living it tough on the streets of the Sydney CBD.

Canterbury Bankstown Council Multifaith Peace Offering

The Canterbury Bankstown Multifaith Peace Offering brought together people from various religious backgrounds, all unified by a desire for peace and understanding. Representatives from different faith groups came forward to share inspiring readings, each conveying a message of compassion, unity, and love. This exchange reminded everyone that, while our paths may differ, our goals for peace and harmony remain the same.

Birthing Kit Service for Avatar Declaration Day 2024

For their October Unity Meeting observing Avatar Declaration Day honouring Sri Sathya Sai Baba, members in the NSW Region of the SSSIO Australia joined together in service, assembling 1,000 birthing kits for the Birthing Kit Foundation Australia.

Sydney Food Drive for the Homeless

On a chilly and windy afternoon on the 15th of September, members of the Baulkham Hills Sai Centre came together in collaboration with the NSW Region team to cook and deliver 32 warm food packs and 64 water bottles to members of the community who are living it tough on the streets of the Sydney CBD.

NSW Region : Vibhuti Cup 2024

On the 16th of June, the Vibhuti Cup sports event was held by NSW Region of the SSSIO in Sydney from 11 am to 4 pm. The games have now found their place in our NSW Region’s yearly calendar due to great interest from members.

National Tree Day : SSSIOA participation

National Tree Day is an event that the SSSIO in Australia has supported for many years. This year’s event was no exception with all regions of the organisation participating in community and private plantings. In total, nearly 4000 trees, shrubs and grasses were planted by over 100 members of the organisation aged from 1.5 – 82 years.

Sydney Winter Drive for the Homeless

On the 4th of August, members of the SSSIO NSW Region came together in collaboration to pack and deliver useful materials and warm food to members of the community who are living it tough on the streets of the Sydney CBD.

SSSC Melbourne 40th Anniversary Celebrations

A group of devotees visited Prasanthi Nilayam in 1982 and Swami Blessed them with interviews. They were also instructed to start a spiritual group in Melbourne. The Sri Sathya Sai Centre of Melbourne was thus founded on 30 March 1983. Since then, the Centre has welcomed thousands of devotees from Australia and across the globe and organised several worthwhile service activities. 

Queen Victoria Market Meal Service

The Sri Sathya Sai Centre of Melbourne, the first established in Victoria, last year celebrated its 40th anniversary. In keeping with the teachings of the founder of the SSSIO, one of its important activities has been service to the community, particularly those in need. For over 25 years one of those important service projects has been feeding the needy at the Queen Victoria Market.