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Medical Camp Fiji

Access to health care is not a simple matter for many in remote areas in the islands of Fiji. Commenced in 2007, the SSSIOA’s Sai Medical Unit has carried out 13 medical camps in rural areas of Fiji treating thousands of patients, all free of charge. Its activities have continued during the current COVID pandemic by provision of online training.

Lismore Flood Relief

February 2022 saw Australia’s worst flooding in recorded history affecting Lismore NSW and surrounding areas. Thousands were made homeless and many businesses severely affected. The SSSIOA early after the event assisted and continues to assist those in need with essential supplies.

Expanding Food Relief through Foodbank

The rising extent of food crises in Australia, whether from cost of living and housing pressures, or the frequency of natural disasters, has prompted the SSSIOA to explore ways of maximising its ability to aid those in need. One such way has been to partner with Foodbank, Australia’s largest food relief organisation.

The Care for the Caring

COVID has placed enormous pressures on many of our healthcare workers. Those in the frontline have worked in stressful, trying conditions and experienced confronting situations on a regular basis. As a mark of gratitude to these selfless workers and recognising a need to support them, the SSSIOA developed a digital, self-help program.

Liquid Love

Blood donations save lives. The SSSIOA has for over 8 years been organising a regular blood donation drive for its members called Liquid Love, recognising the connection between the service of donating blood and the implications of its use. One donation has the potential to save three lives.